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Nov 1, 2009
The new Madresa in Hansot

May 28, 2009
Bharuch pulls Narmada back to right bank
28 May 2009, 0432 hrs IST, Yogesh Pareek, TNN
BHARUCH: Bharuch town is not ready to end its old love affair with Narmada. It is trying to woo her back from the southern side of the riverbed to the north, on which the town is located.
The mighty river has meandered away from the town towards Ankleshwar side. A 4 km long canal is now being built to force the river to change its course and flow alongside Bharuch, just like it did till some 15 years back. Change was noticed after dams started coming up upstream.
Jivraj Patel, president, Bharuch Civil Engineers Forum, said Sardar Sarovar dam as well other smaller dams have reduced the flow of water which led to the Narmada veering away from Bharuch. The river has curved away towards its left bank, flowing in a width of around 500 meters this time of the summer, flooding only a third of the 1500 meter riverbed. Which means that the river is presently almost 1000 meters away from Bharuch.
In the process, the river has flooded hundreds of acres of farmland on the left bank and rendered it useless in villages of Sarfudin, Khalpia, Juna Khalpia, Pungam, Haripara, Sehra and Sajod of Ankleshwar and Hansot talukas.
Irrigation department and Bharuch municipality have joined hands to construct a canal two kms long. The work is on at full swing to complete the canal before the monsoon. While the river often flows bank-to-bank during the rains, officials hope that post monsoon the river will stay on the Bharuch side as the canal will provide the direction. “Once the river water starts flowing towards Bharuch, we plan to take up work for beautification of temples and the banks,” said Bharuch municipality president Marutisinh Atodariya.
April 8, 2009
Kalpasar Lake just got smaller
7 Apr 2009, 0547 hrs IST, Rajiv Shah, TNN
GANDHINAGAR: The plan to create a massive sweet water reservoir in the
sea, by cutting off the Gulf of Khambhat by a massive dam, has been
down to increase its viability. The re-designed Kalpsar project will
involve shifting the massive dam 15 km northwards.
The decision to redesign the dam has been taken by the Gujarat
government following a positive report submitted by the National
Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, on Saturday. The new alignment of
the dam — between Kalatalav village in Bhavnagar and Aladar village in
Bharuch — will mean the length of the wall will be reduced from the
proposed 64 km to 34 km.
The new plan has sounded the death knell for the proposed Dholera port
project. However, according to officials, it will give a lease of life
to Dahaj port and pave the way for building a new green-field port south
of Bhavnagar.
Till now, the project entailed building a 64-km dam across the gulf,
from Hansot in Bharuch to Ghogha in Bhavnagar. But the latest NIO study
suggests a smaller reservoir — reduced from 2,200 sq km to 2,000 sq km,
would be more viable.
Officials argued that the problem of less draft for building a port
south of Bhavnagar would also get sorted out after Kalpsar is built. The
government is in the process of identifying a new site for a port which
will feed the Dholera special investment region (SIR). The SIR’s
six-lane spine road will end at this port.
The dam itself will pass through a partially submerged island Mal Bet,
situated in mid-sea. Mal Bet will also ensure that the dam’s foundations
do not have to go too deep, thus reducing the costs.
The redesigned Kalpsar would cost around Rs 55,000 crore, recoverable by
reclaiming and selling 2.2 lakh hectares, to be made available along the
banks of the closed gulf after the dam keeps out the high tide.
December 30, 2006
to all Hansot.com visitors and Hansotis
October 23, 2006
to all Hansot.com visitors and Hansotis
August 28, 2006
Please read this appeal from Surat Hansot Jamat
appeal full in Gujarati
Surat is disturb by flood and so many poor Hansoties were badly effected by
that. So, we request to all of Hansoties to help them as lillah amount or
as zakat.
For that purpose contact us and send help for our poor hansoties.
For these please contact any below given Hansoti Surat relief committee
1) Mukhtiyar Ahmad Sheikh
104,Mariya palace
shahpore surat.
m)+919825135359 h) 02612422580
2) Babu Yusuf Shaikh (sakbhaji wala)
103,Al-marhaba apartment
opp. share bazar lalgate surat.
m)+919825125262 h)0261 2423442
3) Manju Gafur Kanuga
Koliwad khjura wadi
m) +919825295853
4) Salim Hasan Shaikh
National dairy,
chowk bazar surat.
by- Surat Hansoti Jamat
March 27, 2006
Hansot.com New Fast Server Upgrade in Process. Please excuse our downtime and
spontaneous non availability!
March 29, 2006
Hansot.com New Server Upgrade Completed! Enjoy faster loading time and less
waiting around!
January 23, 2006
Updated phone
list available
now. Check it out!
July 10 , 2005
Submitted Pictures available
now. Check it out!
April 22 , 2005
Hansot.com Discussions is back online with a complete makeover & cool
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Messages, Email notifications, Polls, Rich text Posts, etc. Check it out!
» December 27,
• On 26
December 2004, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale struck the
area off the western coast of northern Sumatra, triggering massive tidal
waves, or tsunamis, that inundated coastal areas in countries all around
the Indian Ocean rim - from Indonesia to Somalia. At least 150,000 people
died in the disaster, with over 525,000 injured, 1,600,000 displaced and
over 1,000,000 homeless.
Help the needy by Donating online right now! Also,
you can get more information from The
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
January 30,
Hansot.com has partnered
with The India Network Foundation to
support a Quake Relief Fund. Funds collected will be used in helping
children and the education sector either directly or through the PM Relief
Fund. Please visit the INF secure
server and donate generously. Thank
you all for your support to Earthquake victims.
January 27,
• Fresh
tremors hit Ahmedabad
• Toll could shoot up to 20,000; 15,000 seriously injured
• Relief work crippled without communications, power
• 188 aftershocks recorded
till 9am on
Saturday; 15 above the magnitude of 5 on the Richter scale
• A preliminary magnitude of 7.9 was computed for this earthquake by
the U.S. Geological Survey
January 26,
Earthquake reported in India at 8:46 AM with epicentre in
• Reports
said Ahmedabad and the coastal town of Bhuj bore the brunt
of the quake
• Over 4,000 killed, reports Times
of India
• See a
technical analysis of the quake here
• For more details related to
Hansot and outlying areas, see discussions
December 26, 2000
to all Hansotis!
November 26,
. Ramadhan
Mubarak to all!
October 23, 2000
. New
Credits Section added.
We didn't care much for credits before but still thought it would
be cool for people to know who's behind hansot.com. Well, Now you know!
October 10, 2000
. 14
new pictures added to the General
Pictures section. Really nostalgic ones
too. Makes you want to visit Hansot right now!
» August
20, 2000
. New Statistics on Hansot added. Now you can find
the actual number of cattle in hansot!!! (take or give a few.)
. Added a few more Kaihvats submitted by
different people
March 31, 2000
. There was a big gap between updates 'cause everyone was busy with work,
school and other major projects. Anyway, Belated Eid Mubarak to everyone
from us all at hansot.com
. New
sections - What's New (you are looking at it
right now!) & Kaihvat
added to the site. (Thanks SF for the kaihvats)
. New discussions Logo (by Munaf) added. Looks very appropriate :)
» February
10, 2000
from us all at Hansot.com to Faisal &
Farzana and
the Wadiwala (Marshall) family on the arrival of their new bouncing baby
» January 8,
Mubarak to
everyone from hansot.com
Volunteers Needed to help Hansotis around the world! Here's your
chance to help. Read more about it in this
» January
7, 2000
Eid Mubarak to
everyone celebrating Eid in the Middle East today. Especially to our
family in Dubai
» December
22, 1999
with other visitors using the latest voice chat technology!
» December 8, 1999
Ramadan Mubarak!
» December 4, 1999
Read about the New Computers
in Hansot.
See new pictures of the Dar-al-uloom
in Hansot.
» November
23, 1999
See maps and 6 new pictures of
» October 29, 1999
10 New
pictures of Hansot's Boys High School
are now available for viewing in the pictures
gallery. These include photos of the old M. A. Makuwala School building and
the new building under construction.
» October 26, 1999
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hot topics
in the Discussion
Forum including an article
on Hansot's Environment
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